
Design para incentivar a Slow Life (Vida lenta)
O que é a Slow Life?
Many of us, professionals and regular people, alike are feeling their lives are overly hectic or emotionally out of kilter, and are looking for ways to restore the balance. We are looking to leading a mindful life.
Living a mindful life seems more difficult now than it was in the past. The fast life is all around us – fast food, fast cars, fast conversations, fast families, fast holidays. We may be living great lives but we aren’t ‘there’ for them. We don’t take the time to linger over food, over friends, over our family etc. We are not savouring our life and are starving of the real connection to our life.
The solution is self-explanatory. We slow down and connect with our life. But often it is easier said than done. Each fast aspect of our life is necessary for other fast aspects to happen, and we have been fooled into thinking we need, or even must, be fast and have what the ‘fast life’ gives us.
Fonte: Slow Movement, consultado em Janeiro de 2010, http://www.slowmovement.com/slow_living.php

Vivemos numa sociedade pouco tolerante que ao minimo deslize perde a cabeça. Deviamos todos ter áreas de descanso no trabalho, áreas mais lúdicas como nos escritórios da google, em que parece dar gosto trabalhar. Áreas totalmente lúdicas onde cada empregado possa descansar. Mas não só no emprego deveria ser assim. Cada um de nós deveria reservar um cantinho de nossa casa para algo menos sério, algo mais relaxante. Deveriamos sempre levar a vida assim, descontraída, a própria cidade deveria ser assim, zonas totalmente relaxantes, de modo que o estilo de vida SlowLife se intalasse.

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